Established since 2012 - We offer our customers a full comprehensive financial planning service based upon their personal circumstances. Their investment aims and objectives make the product suitable to their needs based upon recommendations unique to their personal situation and also their financial situation.

Ciaran Carroll

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Smart home investments

Savings & Investments

Investing money is an important part of your financial security planning. Where and how you choose to invest will have an impact on the return generated.

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Dad holding small child

Life Assurance

Term Life Insurance is life insurance over an agreed term which pays a cash lump sum if you die during the term of your plan.

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Retired man sitting on bench at building

Pensions & Retirement

We may spend up to one quarter of our lives in retirement so it is important that we have the means to fund our retirement years.

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Adult working on laptop in airport

Income Protection

Income protection provides you with a replacement income if you cannot work as a result of an illness or injury after a certain period of time.

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